Sun. Feb 16th, 2025


a kind of digital-twin NFT, promote NFTizing physical traditional artwork created by grass-root artists, by technique of Hologram and Holo-DKEY for Cypto-Validation

Empowering Voices, Values, & Variety in the Web3.0 era

a kind of DANO (Decentralized Autonomous Non-profit Organisation) with an ecosystem of Charities Founders (all kinds of NGOs, Government Funding Authorities, Fundraising platforms, Crowdfunding platforms etc.), Individual contributors and donators, beneficiaries and donatees, social workers and volunteers, project accelerators and incubators, building more transparent and efficient decentralized donationchains.

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CharitiesNFT based on technique of Digital-Twin NFT is one of the best tools for this system. Any traditional physical artwork can be digitally mirrored and linked to its unique NFT on a specific customized blockchain.

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A system special for NFTizing physical artwork in Web3.0 should be considered, which can NFTizing all 4D information of a traditional physical artwork;


3D holography of the physical artwork and unique holo-DKEY(for Cypto-validation), esoteric craftsmanship and creation of the artist, mysterious tradition and culture embedded behind the artwork.


CharitiesNFT based on technique of Digital-Twin NFT is one of the best tools for this system. Any traditional physical artwork can be digitally mirrored and linked to its unique NFT on a specific customized blockchain.


CharitiesNFT based on technique of Digital-Twin NFT is one of the best tools for this system. Any traditional physical artwork can be digitally mirrored and linked to its unique NFT on a specific customized blockchain.

DigitalTwin NFT

How are the infrastructures of CharitiesNFT? How is a traditional physical artwork mirrored and linked to Digital-Twin NFT of CharitiesDAO to be unique and upvalued?

Polularization of Hologram tech. and maturity of NFTizing-by-Hologram system are the key for CharitiesNFT and CharitiesDAO.

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